Integrate and test different state-of-the-art interaction detection mechanisms in ROS2 by developing an interactive industrial prototype. Analyze the achievable speed and accuracy at runtime, as well as the
robustness under varying environmental conditions. Finally, evaluate the setup/training effort required.
Projective WERKLICHT® Augmented Reality systems from EXTEND3D meet the highes demands in prototyping, assembly and quality assurance. With the unsurpassed dynamics of this „digital template“ we deliver the right answer to challenges that arise from the continuing trend to ever greater variant diversity and ever shorter product and innovation cycles. With our innovative technology we could contribute to spectacular projects such as in the E-Mobility of tomorrow, in motor racing, in painting of cruise ships or in aircraft construction.
About us
We are a dynamic team with flat hierachies and are looking for highly motivated, open-minded
personalities seeking for a new challenge in a vibrant environment and and want to play an active part in
shaping the processes of tomorrow with their creative ideas.
Fields of activity:
Implement techniques with which the interaction can happen on the work piece instead of on a nearby computer. Bring interaction to life with accurate dynamic projections. Integrate and test different state-of-the-art interaction detection mechanisms in ROS2 by developing an
interactive industrial prototype. Analyze the achievable speed and accuracy at runtime, as well as the robustness under varying environmental conditions. Finally, evaluate the setup/training effort required.
Your profile:
– C++ programming skills (C++, ROS, STL, Boost, OpenGL)
– Interest in Augmented Reality
– Basic understanding of image processing and 3D coordinate transformations or motivation to learn it
– Motivation and endurance