Laser projection supports quality assurance

Particularly in quality assurance and the production of high-quality goods, reworking is often done manually. The earlier producers rework, the more efficient the process. Clear indications on the moving component show where the points to be reworked are located and thus facilitate this work step. An automated inspection system systematically records the spots beforehand. The laser system makes them clearly visible to the worker in the finishing area. Dynamic tool tracking also detects whether and how carefully the spots have been reworked. Highest quality results.

With video projection step by step to the perfect result

WERKLICHT Video visualizes individual work steps or detailed cable runs directly on the workpiece. The fitter does not have to search for the right position for a long time but can concentrate fully on the execution. This ensures the highest quality standards despite a high number of variants, thus minimizing time-consuming reworking and reducing costs.

Precisely dimension with laser projection

Error excluded: The dynamic laser projection accurately locates the correct position for studs or holders or the course of weld seams or trim on the workpiece to within a few tenths of a millimeter. WERKLICHT Pro references itself automatically. Time saving, precise work with high product quality and without long setup times is thus easily possible even for complex components with curved surfaces and different viewing areas.

X-ray vision thanks to dynamic video projection

With the help of video projection, the invisible is made visible – directly on the component. The 3D visualization helps to make faster decisions, for example in the design process or during error analysis. Everyone sees immediately what is at stake, and the direct visualization facilitates discussion in the team.

The dynamic laser projection is a digital template

Dynamic laser projection makes assembly and quality assurance easier, faster, more flexible and more cost-efficient. No more stocking large sets of templates. Variant attachments can be quickly and accurately recorded and working positions marked. Whether the workpiece or the projector is moved – the laser projection maintains the position.

Video and Laser Projection: Augmented Reality for Industry 4.0

Industry 4.0 means one thing above all: digitization that makes industrial processes more flexible in order to keep pace with the diversity of variants and optimize manufacturing processes. Dynamically controlled video and laser projectors connect analog steps with the digital world – from the CAD drawing and projection onto the workpiece to the comparison of plan and actual status.

Connecting digital 3D plan data with reality using WERKLICHT 3D software

The functional principle of WERKLICHT allows work points or areas to be precisely marked by laser or video projection, and notes on work steps to be indicated directly on the workpiece. The software uses crosshairs to indicate reference points and employees can place components correctly. The crosshairs thus ensure a consistent level of quality.

Fields of application and application scenarios of laser and video projection in industry

Dynamic video and laser projection show their strengths in various industrial areas – especially where manual processes are necessary. Particularly in complex situations, such as short cycle times, a high number of assembly steps or a large number of variants, it can greatly simplify manual work. The areas of application for our video and laser projection range from prototype construction and one-off production to quality assurance during series production, flow production and short-cycle inline processes. Wherever, for example, steel or sheet metal must be processed manually with precision and error-free assembly steps are necessary, dynamic laser and video projection saves time. At the same time, it reduces the effort required because physical positioning and inspection templates can be dispensed with. The time benefits include reduced setup and inspection times and less rework because high-precision work is performed right from the start. In addition, time-consuming searching is eliminated because the position is projected unambiguously onto the component. A particularly important application scenario: the production of many model variants with tight cycle times. In this case, the projection shows the assembler the correct positions for the respective variant – for example, for the assembly of add-on parts. Misinterpretation is hardly possible: This reduces scrap and promotes quality.

In pre-assembly and final assembly

Whether individual assemblies or nearly finished products, WERKLICHT identifies assembly positions and specifies the logical assembly sequence.

In the sampling

For quality assurance and process control by projecting target positions or contours directly onto the component with maximum precision.

For rework

In final inspection, thanks to model-based tracking, for the highest quality in manual rework, because no critical areas are overlooked.

In the bracket assembly

Digital stencils to increase production efficiency as well as quality and greatly reduce the error rate.

In pre-series construction

Digital templates projected with the help of the laser make the tacking of welded parts more precise, among other things when welding in the course of automotive prototype construction.

As a welding template

Flexibility and the reduction of complexity in the interior finishing of ships, in the tacking of welded parts in mechanical and plant engineering, and add-on parts in steel and rail vehicle construction.

As a painting template

Digital stencils or image projections directly on the outer skin facilitate the increasingly complex and demanding outer skin coatings or foiling, for example on aircraft and ships.

Video projection in measurement and simulation data visualization

Projected measurement results on components, for example as false colors, deviation maps or point measurements. The main advantage: Coordination and intuitive visual control are quick and clear.

Laser and video projection for numerous industries

Just as CAD systems and digital component information are used in almost every branch of industry, WERKLICHT is also used in a large number of industrial sectors. Because wherever digital 3D data from CAD, measurement/simulation results or surface and texture data are used, WERKLICHT helps to turn them into reality. From unit-dependent automotive manufacturing to shipbuilding with batch size 1, the advantages of WERKLICHT can be used everywhere.

Speed up processes, reduce error rates, optimize quality: These are the three most important advantages of video and laser projection in the automotive industry.

In shipbuilding, laser projection helps to realize digital plans. For example, the positions of add-on parts are projected to the exact positions on the ship’s hull using laser projection, or digital templates are projected onto assemblies when welding the hull.

In mechanical and plant engineering, laser projection accelerates and simplifies processes from vision to production. The elimination of physical templates makes the production process more cost-effective. Laser projection can also be used in quality assurance to minimize the error rate.

The time required for the precise assembly of holders in aircraft construction can be reduced by up to 50 percent thanks to laser projection. This is possible thanks to the clear projection of the exact holder positions and orientation directly onto the fuselage of the aircraft, which is easy for the fitters to understand.

A wide variety of model variants produced in small series – this is what characterizes special vehicle construction. Whether agricultural machinery, caravans, sports cars or even prototype construction, laser projection can enable time savings of up to 75% where components have to be fitted or trimmed, add-on parts positioned and assemblies mounted.

Rail vehicles consist of particularly large and complex components. Laser projection replaces positioning templates, supports the positioning and welding of these components, outputs work instructions from CAD data and displays them directly during work processes.

The laser based digital template

WERKLICHT Pro L is a dynamic 3D laser projector for high-precision tasks in the areas of prototyping, in flow production and in series quality assurance. WERKLICHT Pro L is suitable for customized production and variant production up to series production. It is used by customers from the automotive engineering, rail vehicle construction, aerospace, marine, mechanical engineering or special vehicle construction industries, among others.

Scalable dynamic 3D laser projection

WERKLICHT Pro S brings dynamic laser projection directly to the production line. Place your working instructions in the correct position on the moving component. WERKLICHT Pro S was consistently designed for multi-projector installations that are permanently integrated into the production line or manufacturing cell. The synchronous operation of a freely configurable number of modular projection units allows all relevant areas to be illuminated and, in combination, even very large work volumes to be efficiently covered.

Scalable dynamic 3D video projection

WERKLICHT Video 3D projection systems are recommended wherever complex 3D information is to be visualized in the context of the component in order to make manual tasks or activities more efficient. Thanks to augmented reality projection, manual annotations on the workpiece, complex blueprints and expensive templates and measuring equipment are a thing of the past. Thanks to this projection solution, workflows can be stringently guided and positioning tasks can be safely completed, but complex content can also be interpreted intuitively and as part of a team.

Comprehensive range of useful accessories for your optimal WERKLICHT use

With our extensive range of hardware accessories, you can adapt your WERKLICHT system to your individual requirements. We offer you Computing power for data processing, adapter solutions for dynamic referencing, options for mounting your WERKLICHT in 3D and moving it ergonomically, and intuitive solutions for remote control. And if our standard accessories are not sufficient, we will be happy to develop individual solutions together with you.



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